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Birth Doula

A birth doula is a compassionate, caring and loving woman who believes that childbirth is a normal part of life. As a doula, I trust that the overwhelming majority of women are able to birth naturally. However, I will support every client in her choice of birth environment and way of birthing. There is not a 'right' or 'wrong' way of giving birth and I will support you in your choices.

I recognise that giving birth to your child is a key experience that you will remember all your life and I believe that women are shaped by their birth experiences. The more support and the better the birth, the greater the positive effect on the lives of both mother and child.
I offer a free consultation to talk about my services further and answer any questions. This can take place in the comfort of your home or in a cafe. As a member of Doula UK I also have access to the Doula Access Fund, which has been setup to assist towards the cost of hiring a doula. 


Women cared for during labor by a birth doula, compared to those receiving usual care were:

  • 26% less likely to give birth by cesarean section

  • 41% less likely to give birth with a vacuum extractor or forceps

  • 28% less likely to use any analgesia or anesthesia

  • 33% less likely to be dissatisfied or negatively rate their birth experience

As a Doula, I  Do Not:

Perform any clinical tasks


Professional Information 

I am a fully recognised birth and post-natal doula.. I am also a fully qualified yoga teacher. , and am a vtct qualified holistic therapist (reflexology, aromatherapy, massage) and a Mizan therapist (reproductive health). I am also trained to do closing the bones and rebozo work, and have trained in Mindfulness with the Mindfullness Association UK. 


Birth package £1500

Birth package includes -

two ante natal visits, 

on call 24/7 from 10 days before your due date until baby is born,

continuous emotional and physical support during labour and birth, and two post-natal visits


Post-natal support £25 an hour

please enquire for over night costs







Make decisions for you 


Speak to the staff on your behalf


Project any of my own beliefs onto your experience


Closing The Bones

Closing the Bones is a ceremonial way of returning a mother to herself, both physically and energetically after childbirth even years after the birth. Having my own bones closed seventeen years after giving birth to my last child I felt a huge release, an unravelling and afterwards great joy. The ceremony draws from a number of postnatal traditions from around the world, but particularly Latin America and Asia. These traditional cultures know that a woman needs support following childbirth, in a way that we seem to have forgotten in the West. Closing bones can also be used on women who haven't birthed but wish to mark times of major transition or completion in their lives such as young girls starting their period, marriage or divorce, (or end of a relationship), starting a new job, moving home or around menopause. It can also be very beneficial and nurturing after the loss of a baby, stillbirth or miscarriage. I learned how to close the bones from doulas Sophie Messager and Maddie Mc Mahon, it was passed onto them by Rocio Alarcon from Ecuador. She was trained in traditional midwifery, shamanism and ethnobotany by her mother and grandmother , she also holds a PhD in ethnobotany. Rocio explained to Sophie and Maddie that many women suffer from hip issues and pelvic instability, and that due to lack of closing the bones they leak energy. In Ecuador women are given this massage within hours of the birth, and receive it at least 5 or 6 times during the first 40 days postpartum. The massage begins to put the bladder and uterus back into place, and stimulates blood flow which in turn; cleans, renews, moves fluids (may help with milk supply/lochia), moving hormones, immune system, toning muscle and tissue.

Closing the Bones helps a woman to bring herself back together. The physical work brings her bones and organs back into their right places. The honouring, focus and intention of the ceremony helps the woman draw her energy back into herself.

A Closing the bones session with Terri includes a foot soak in essential oils, the use of a rebozo (shawl) to sift and to close the hip bones, and a deep abdominal massage using oils, around the belly, pelvis and hips, helping to draw the woman's energy back to her creative centre, her womb. The massage includes the breaking up of adrenalin crystals which form on the hip bones and are said to be unresolved emotion and trauma.

Closing the bones £108 / £600 for 6 sessions


Reduced rate if I am your birth doula or post natal doula.


All of this is done in the privacy of your home. If you would like to have your community of women around you they can take part in the ceremony.

I am a birth and post natal doula . I am also a fully qualified  yoga teacher and am trained in Mindfulness meditation. I am  trained in Reflexology, Aromatherapy and Swedish Massage. Do be in touch to find out if I cover where you live. Mileage rates may apply for further afield.


Closing The Bones Testimonials


"A beautiful and profound experience, Terri has the gift of healing, drawing on ancient wisdom to gather us back into alignment, balance and strength through Closing the Bones. Terri creates a trusting, respectful and kind space which allows deep healing to arise from this compassionate and wiseful approach. I would recommend everyone to experience it for themselves, it is precious and profound and deeply healing." Vici


"The experience of the closing the bones ceremony left me with a sense of peace. Terri took every step at my own pace and sensitively took time to make me feel comfortable in the experience. It was lovely to feel so nurtured and respected. It was unlike anything I have ever tried before and I definitely want to experience it again.” Melissa

“Thank you! I feel good. I feel like a chapter has closed I think.... the most difficult times of late seem over” Lucy


“ I experienced Closing the Bones Ceremony with Angel Terri and midwife Sophia. I felt very cared for during the process which produced a warm, healing energy. It was a beautiful and positive experience for me.xx” Cassie


“It was amazing” Yeshe aged 12 (just started her periods)


“For months, making love was really hard for me, a lot of the time it was painful, uncomfortable, and I could not fully let go and be in the moment. I knew that it was due to a lot of past events that had happened in my life and how I did not respect my body. Emotionally as well as physically I wasn’t letting myself be free. I also had no desire to make love which made me feel bad as I didn’t want my partner to think that I didn’t want to be intimate with him. However, just talking to Terri about closing the bones gave me a huge release and I started to understand how sacred our womb is and how we should nurture and honour it. That evening I went home and made love to my partner for the first time in a long time, it was beautiful, flowing and like I was making love for the first time all over again, afterwards I cried as all the emotion that had been held back for years was released. A few days later I had a closing the bones session with Terri. The session itself of closing the bones was beautiful. It was so peaceful and relaxing. Terri is so nurturing and patient. The outcome has been lovely, I feel more balanced, relaxed and a lot more free with my sexuality. I would recommend this powerful and beautiful therapy to any women of any age.”


"I received the closing of the bones ceremony from Terri who was very caring to all of my needs, it was very calming and I found it one of the most powerful experiences I have had. During the process I felt that I was flying just above my own body something I have never experienced before. I felt quite tearful for a short period then a sudden burst of release, all emotion, sadness and tension had just floated away. After the ceremony I had a strength and energy in my body that was just incredible, I felt taller, flowing in positive energy, in control of my emotions and very proud to be a women and have been through ups and downs and survived them all. I really couldn't recommend the ceremony enough - my words really don't do the ceremony justice every woman should feel the strength and release that closing the bones provides." Carly


"Prior to this session with Terri I had never even heard of the closing the bones ceremony , so I was a bit sceptical. But I was lucky enough to have the lovely Terri perform it with help from my 4 year old daughter which made the whole experience even more peaceful and I was in a state of bliss . the whole experience has left my body feeling relaxed and as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. It it has now been several hours and I have sat and cried and emotionally opened up and I feel so in touch with myself which I haven't felt in a long time . highly recommend this .. " Kate xx


'I had not heard of closing of the bones ceremony until Terri introduced me to it. It has been 24 years since giving birth to my son - but it didn't matter. I felt so relaxed and and at peace following the ceremony and I literally slept like a baby that evening - it was wonderful and I would definitely recommend it. '


"Closing the bones was not something that I had ever heard of . I was a little unsure of what to expect. Terri Made me feel so comfortable and relaxed and I thoroughly enjoyed this kind, calm and almost cleansing experience. That night was probably the best nights sleep I have ever had. The ceremony has had a very positive effect on me. Thank you Terri. " Jo


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